Successful Life Without Goal Setting & Passion

It is said that “The best goal is no goal”. Is it seems unrealistic in today’s context? You don’t set any goals in life and you want to be successful? I like to study, I like sports also, I like indoor games and I like outdoor games also. I like dancing and I like singing also. What should I choose? Without goal setting, I can’t be successful? Three very simple rules will answer all our queries in next few seconds.

Life Changing 3 Rules for Successful Life

1)        Be Live, Be Present– Always be present, right here, right now. Every time we do not bother to listen to the person in front of us, we are listening to our head’s dialogue. We are not 100% present. Rather listening to him, we are thinking about what he said, how he said, how he could have said it. We HEAR 50% and we LISTEN 25% and that is how it happens in life. Have faith in Karma, right here, right now. You have to live this moment. Do karma, don’t expect outcomes. If you can do this and if you can really apply that, 100% presence in this moment, half of the battle is won.

Life 1, Peyush Bhatia

2)        Feel Good, Do Good- No matter what path you find, no matter where you end up, it’s stunning. There is no good, no bad. Feel and live every moment to the fullest. Celebrate each and every small moment of your life, no matter what is the situation. Every big task is started by a very small action. Think about others. Be, be big enough to contribute. Keep having the space of contribution to others life as well. It’s only doing different, and different is wonderful. Don’t judge, but experience. Always remember, ‘A good traveler has no permanent plans and is not intent on arriving.’

3)        Power of Language- Language is the most wonderful and the powerful thing in this world. Know your words. Listen to your words. In our day to day life, infinite thoughts are running one’s mind like I am short height. I don’t know English. I don’t have a big company. I can’t do this. In replying to every thought, Universe says “Yes”. If you say I don’t have money then universe says “Yes”. He always says “Your wish is my command”. Hence, it is very imperative to mind your each and every word.  Once you learn this practice the World is yours, the success will be in your hands.

Think Other, Peyush Bhatia

In the end, Be Remembered, always try to achieve more than it had goals because always doing something you are excited about. But whether we achieve or not isn’t the point at all: all that matters is that I’m doing what I love, forever.

A life coach in Gurgaon, Peyush Bhatia, is the next best person available who can assist or guide you as a wonderful life coach in different ways to overcome any of your problems with best coaching tactics. Please feel free to visit at [email protected].
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